We love to welcome visitors to our school, and often tour curious educators, interested parents, and engaged community partners through our buildings. As they walk through our halls and interact with our staff, our guests often make the same remark: "I wish school was like this when I was younger." Even during a brief appointment, visitors are able to observe and experience something different at STCCS. They see our mission at work.
Our school is committed to Christ. We prioritize worship, prayer, and devotional time in God's Word. Our classes pray with and for each other daily. We walk alongside our students in discipleship relationships and we invite students to not only know a lot about the Lord, but also to get to know Him personally. We hold our students accountable, and call them to live out everything they're studying.
Our school is a community. Our mission is built on relationships and our staff team is a group of people who genuinely delight in working with students. We care for each other, and walk together in our homeroom teams. Our school families connect at a variety of school events and work together to support the various programs we offer as engaged volunteers. The tapestry of our school community unites students, parents, staff, community partners, donors, and volunteers who are committed to promoting Christian education in our city.